View Profile M-Shack

155 Movie Reviews

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love ur style

nice tutorial, should help a lot of people, ima def use the way u filtered the planet for my animation, its a space type thing also. looking forward to more animations/shorts by u

i didnt watch it

i stopped after having to click back and forth on the arrows for the text, maybe theres an easier way but i didnt know it

intro is way tooo long

takes too long to get to the movie, the first intro was lke as long as the movie itself.

it was ok

animation wasnt good, way to stiff, drawings were kinda blah. U def put a lot of work into it, i didnt watch the whole thing, sorry. I didnt Blam it tho lol. I wasnt into it but im sure many ppl will be

very nice movie

It was made very well but a few things kinda bothered me. The legs were way too long, and the arms were attached to their heads. The eyes didnt really seem to fit with the animation/drawing style u used in the BGs. They shoulda been like sharper and simple instead of trying to make them look realistic. Animation coulda been a lil better too. Overall it def felt like a movie compared to the other half assed sticks movies on here.


It wasnt really a trailer, more like a poster or something. There were like 2 pics and all text. Trailers usually have bits and pieces from the movie. Atlas make a cool animation with just the character in the dark with the cape blowing or something to keep interest. I'm just saying as of right now there was nothing that made me want to see the actual movie

Rn86 responds:

There were three backgrounds you stupid fuck, gb2primary school and learn to count.

needs work

Has potential but it cut off in the middle. Also your walk and run cycles looked really weird, ur using sticks so they really shouldnt be hard to make look more like wlaking/running.

nothing new or different

animation could have been better, the legs kept growing and shrinking and the running looked like they were sliding across the floor

not trying to bust your chops

if ur going to make a tutorial, make something that's not already out there. What our making is already found on new grounds, but more detailed and prettier looking. Try some animations or use the action scripting/html to make something interactive.

Bringing Life to the Inanimate.

Meshach Rojas @M-Shack

Age 38, Male

Making stuff move


Joined on 6/9/08

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