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155 Movie Reviews

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Not too great

intro was really long, Animaitons were slow and basic, drawings werent that great, wasnt really a story.


The story was kinda dumb, but the drawings and animation were excellent. If you had a a better idea this coulda been great. You should learn some action script for a preloader, or at least go to the end of ur fla. and put a keyframe then go to actions and place a stop so it doesnt loop.

Again, nice animation, look forward to more in ur style.

Hold Shit

Hold shit cock monkey balls! Sickest thing ever. Finally an action animaiotn that isnt just a bunch of sticks or guys made up of circles and no limbs! One quesiton, why were some things low res? Was it imported 3d assets?

Who cares about voice acting, its about the animation (2 totally different things anyway)

Very nice, only thing I can suggest for future ones is seeing if you can fix up the resolution on some parts and maybe break away from the stills. The animaiton was great when it came up.

nice idea

needs better drawings and animation. could be a lot better

good at start, then kind of died down

a lil long, ending was a lil weird. It was kind of funny at first but it was too long to keep up with that kind of humor.


i really like the sonic game in the beggining. Its liek a revamped version of the classics. I woulda watched a movie of just that lol

Bobert-Rob responds:

Well, good thing I made it, heh. There's an extras option that allows you to watch the game footage in the preloader without the extra graphics in the way. Glad you liked it!

love these

would be a perfect score if some of the animations were a lil smoother. Nice though.


Make it in 3D and you got a Pizar short right there lol. Seriously tho, that could def be one of their shorts. A lil sad tho, but still could be one


Sticks were pourly drawn. Animation wasnt very good. The story didnt make much sense. The guy is a hero, smokes, causes a fire, a neighbor comes in and bring him to the hospital? I dont really get it. Sorry for being Harsh, but it really wasnt good

really slow

it started slow and the animation was slow, maybe p the frame rate. were u using 12? if yeah go to atleast 24

Jorosh responds:

sorry. frame rate is 24 FPS. :(

Bringing Life to the Inanimate.

Meshach Rojas @M-Shack

Age 38, Male

Making stuff move


Joined on 6/9/08

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