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wasn't quite my cup of tea

Gave you a five for the effort and stuff. I don't like the use of the pixel brush. It just seems to kinda of try to mask the low art quality. I woulda liked it better if the pixels were used better and with more effort to make everything look like sprites from a videogame or at least more square instead of just poorly drawn shapes. Anyways i didn't like the art, there was barely any animation, and i wasn't into the story. Maybe work more on drawing and animation techniques to make the next one more interesting to more people? Usually great animations (IMO) look amazing (art and animation) or have really great or funny story lines. Keep up the effort and just work on your drawing and animation abilities. There were just way too many slow camera moments for me, it felt like watching all the filler talking parts of dragonball z when your waiting for something to happen.


It's just a loop. It doesn't explain anything or show the steps of animation. Unless you mean you did this FROM a tutorial. If so don't put tutorial in the title cuz it will throw ppl off.

Superbanana responds:

I didn't think of it that way. Now that I look at it, it's really stupid of me. Thanks. I'll rename the title if possible.

[EDIT] I replaced the word 'tutorial' for 'assignment'. Thanks again.

Wow really good job

It's nice to see something good and unique on the front page. Animation was great, the art was great, and the story was great. I really liked the tree it self. For that whole scene I was just staring at the tree watching it change and begin to freeze over. That tree alone def made it even better. Good thing that you let that part be a selectable scene. It must have taken a long time to draw/design it. Good work, I look forward to seeing more.

it was good

It was done well and I remember the Thief game and think you did a good job. However I feel like sticks are meant for meaningless beat em up violence, not long serious stories. The whole Sticks with anime eyes and mouths kinda bother me for some reason. I just feel like it's taking the easy way out in something like this. it was still pretty well done none the less, just too slow for a stick animation IMO.

really good

The Sound FX could use some work and the animation was very smooth, but slow. Maybe you used a low frame rate or put in too many frames for some of the actions like running, opening the locker, etc. None the less it was really good, I enjoyed the line-less style too. Good Job.


It was okay. You put a lot of emphasis on the running at the beginning, but it was actually really poor. One part was an actual run and the rest were awkward looking. You have ok ideas and can get them out sometimes, but really need someone to help you clean them up to look better. I'm sure you put a lot of work into it, but it still lacks a lot of things that will make it look smooth. The fast cuts and camera movements seem to mask some of the poor quality, but still not enough. You are good at rotating around a still object, but that's not really character animation. Work on consistency in your drawings so it doesn't look like limbs just flying around. I think you need to just do your own thing instead of trying to copy the whole anime style cuz you don't do a very good job at replicating it and it keeps you from getting better. The 4 is for the effort and improvements, but it didn't really interest me as much as some of the other action animations i've seen.


gave me a nice chuckle. Animated and drawn very well too


Your intro thing was sick, transforming together part. It was basically the whole premise of a collab I had going on and now i feel like it upped the standards even more :( anyways that alone was sick and impressed me enough to give a 10. Great animation.

Very nice

Only thing I can offer as advice is about the walking. It looks like he's moonwalking/sliding a bit. You might want to adjust the speed that you have him move at, adjust the cycle so his feet move better, or just stop him on the frames that he puts his foot down. One of those 3 should help the walk slide less. Anyways, really nice job! Nice to see some serious/good animators on the front page. Good luck with further projects.

I started losing interest

Animation was good, voices were funny. It started off good, I started to laugh a bit, but then once they were teleported to that room I felt that it got kind of lame and corny. The background voices repeating the words could have been done a little better or different to make them more funny (IMO). I think the dolphin and dino were done well, but overall i started to lose interest. Good luck, maybe the next one will be better.

RubberNinja responds:

Yeah, I personally don't like this episode compared to the rest of them for those exact reasons. I'll be interested to know what you think of the later ones. Thanks for the review!

Bringing Life to the Inanimate.

Meshach Rojas @M-Shack

Age 38, Male

Making stuff move


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